Pelaksanaan pembelajaran merupakan implementasi dari RPP. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran meliputi kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti dan kegiata...
"Kegiatan Libur Ramadhan"
Pada Bulan Ramadhan, Pada umumnya sekolah-sekolah agama Islam akan mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang bertajuk ramadhan. Namun Bagi Satuan Pe...
Beberapa Pengertian
Beberapa istilah penting yang biasa ada dalam dunia pendidikan berbasis KTSP antara lain kami jelaskan di bawah ini : KURIKULUM adalah seper...
Tips of stres
Tips for stres In reply to e-mail. E-mail to come don't always assumed by [job/activity] resistor. Provide time about 15 minute before ...
Simple Relax
Simple Relaxation Liver intention wish to to take leave, but unhappily in this time You is middle having tanggungjawab big enough work in o...
face problem
Face Problem Quietly When the problem of solution and to come not as easy the imagined, living we even also becoming annoyed. What if this...
emotion control
Relaxation For Emotion control The time when angry flavor, sorrowful or sulky come, or came under pressure, oftentimes involuntary others a...
stres traumatik
Help Patient Stres Traumatik Trauma is an occurence which mengguncang psychologically. Usually event of the happened in sudden, dasyat eve...
act for stres
Simple Act ' Assist To Assuage Stres Sure whoever stres do not willing to. But what energy? Trapped by jam in road;street and also alwa...
stres for body
What Is Done By Stres to our body ? Stres is a natural response from our soul and body when experiencing pressure from environment. Impact...
sleep n stres
The important Sleep Like A Top To Overcome Stress In life which move completely quickly like in this time, for certain to do list You have...
overcoming stres
Food For Overcoming Stres Food hold big enough role in developing mood someone. Hence better for this day forward come on we consume health...
keep of stres
Keep Head Time Of Stres The time when will do presentation, You is sure ' attacked ' feel nervous or panic. Then there will be some...
Recognize Life Style Cause Of Stres Your What did to overcome stres? Have the day off or expense? There is various definitive other activit...