Kamis, 02 April 2009

Simple Relaxation

Liver intention wish to to take leave, but unhappily in this time You is middle having tanggungjawab big enough work in office. A[n ' dilemma ' which must be faced prudently will mau...Namun do not don't worry, if this situation happened at You, still many thingses available for done so that You flavor can be easy going without throw away much time :

1. Laugh [so/till] Your face felt pain.
Laugh is same of the function like face gymnastic. The time when laugh upraised faces muscles repeatedly so that faces felt relaks.

2. Warm water bath with shower, spray hardly.
Bath with tepid temperature water can give effect menenagkan. Agar body felt is balmier, open shower maximal is finite and sprinkle to parts of stiff felt body. Trusted, after You will feel more easy going.

3. Avoid queuing up in supermarket
For the shake ' pursue ' noodles price instant the price cheaper Rp300,atau milk for child of which in price cheaper Rp750,, You volunteer queue up in a superamarket cheap famous. Though, try to think of how much time which You finish in the supermarket, not to mention bored and stiff flavor await.

4. Read letter is not invoice.
Confused with office business depressing? Avoid to read invoice at arrival in house. More than anything else, credit card invoice. This invoice will make headache becoming super because You will start to think way pay him(it.

5. Follow song lyric in CD is new You.
From many researchs, music have proven to give positive impact for mental health. The time when lead felt ' full', searching CD from Your favorite music group. Tune THE cadmium at the same time sink down in soft mattress and follow the lyric is as mode spend emotion.

6. Make creative handiwork.
Fresh vegetable, paint or make origami is alternative of handiwork as dealer stres.

7. Lie down is easy going at the same time hear rain fall
Rain plash is trusted can give inscrutable effect. So, when rain fall, enter to room;chamber, then lain down body and listen the rainwater voice. Trusted, after You flavor will be calmer.

8. Apply drought towel which newly cleaned.
I Hate Monday! Yes, Monday truely relatively annoyed for most people because is day firstly in the beginning of week for working. Try strarting morning Monday with keramas apply shampoo with favorite fragrant. Then dried to apply towel which newly cleaned. Trust or no, cleanness towel fragrant will generate sensation pleasing.

9. Berpang my of hand.
Work of heaping and meeting schedule which endlessly make You always in a state ' tied ' every day. Among time which bertegangan this height, try for not to do something during 5 minute only. Easy going sessile and breathe, then tried for focus listen Your breath stream.

10. Give surprise telephone for old friend
Stripper friend don't be forgotten. This aphorism it is possible that correctness. At least when You is depressing them can become ' place ' what protecting. You nostalgia also able to concerning time pleased formerly in SMU, for example.

11. problems talking is Light.
When knocked over by is fatigue, fiddle faddle is light of artist gossip problem, drollery of child or trik arrange house can give impact good to body, compared to discussing intricate office atmosphere or politics. Small things helps...

12. To coast - any time
Go to coast if was medium stres. More than anything else, if Your town was off shore. Wave plump sound and see coast split up wave oscillation will wipe out stres Your.

13. Find money Rp 10.000 in as of poke centipede which have is old depended.
Try once in a while sandwich money among office clothes pocket or Your work program, then forgot. So, a[n Your time dressed this or open work program, and find the money, surely will make You like!

14. Do hobby as satisfied his(its.
Hobby owner people he/she said more ageless. Hobby can make You forget a moment daily rutinitity or work which is crumpling.

15. Joke ' Intimate '
Bed room business talking prohibition with others. Ah, who is spelling out members? Problem talking technique in smooching who engrossing until foreplay awful [oppositely;also] can become alternative of discussion of warmness. You can learn at the same time laugh with.

16. Make-Up X'self
Panic with deadline which have before very eyes? Eh, before strarting, try ulaskan bright lipstick, sapukan blush pink on in cheek, and improve;repair Your eyeshadow. Believe it or note, see Your beautiful face, this panicity will decrease

17. Drink brown milk
Famous chocolate as camilan generating mood. So, if added with a glassful warm milk, then You was resapi the aroma, before drinked bit by bit, ehm.. fog blanketing grey days You even also sirna.

18. Design journey
First day of Idulfitri and natalan still be old. But, liver is sulking, try deh, make plan for kampong return. Start to calculate the expense, make daily plan if You have resided in there. Surely spirit [of] Your [job/activity] will arise after.

19. Fell in love.
Love truely miracle which nothing;there is no ending. One would silent flavor if do not have love. Animate always love with couple of You.

20. Go to music concert.
Effect look on live music give effect which far better compared to simply hearing in CD player Your. In Your music concert can directly meet Your idol, at the same time dissolve with atmosphere and also song which warble him(it.

21. Make cake.
Consider flour, sugar, thin butter and swirl him(it become an with egg can train you is More patient. Particularly, You even also will amused the allocution of the delicious and beautiful result.

22. Do not something one day full.
Tak have lover or friend for traveling? Fatigue moderate for taking the air? Why You don't silent in house only. Go to terrace;core behind house, make cool orangeade, lean foot/feet and read favorite book.

23. Drift in novel preoccupy.
Read book or novel exclaiming make Happy you. Novel horror with good plot also giving same effect. Palpitation increasing will give feeling of relaks after. Tak alter him(it a kind of athletics without having to move body!